Designed by typographer Luc (as) De Groot, the Calibri® font family was commissioned by Microsoft in 2002 to accentuate the strengths of their ClearType technology. It is the default typeface in several of Microsoft’s applications. It is a humanist sans serif typeface, known for its warmth and rounded lines. Calibri History. There is no such font as “Calibri (Body)”. You probably saw this string in Microsoft Word font selection menu, but it’s not a font name (see e.g. The explanation Font: +body (in W07)). So use just font-family: Calibri or, better, font-family: Calibri, sans-serif. (There is no adequate backup font for Calibri, but the odds are that when. Apr 28, 2020 Calibri (body) is not a font, only Calibri is a font. The (body) part comes from the theme settings. The (body) part comes from the theme settings. It's not clear why the user feels the two are not the same - whether they're bothered by the difference in the name, or if there's some other problem. I ASSUME that your question is asking about open-source, or free alternatives to Calibri (otherwise, just use Calibri). When Google was developing ChromeOS for their Chromebook line of devices, they commissioned a family of fonts to serve as open.

  1. Calibri Body Font For Photoshop
  2. Calibri (body) Font Download
  3. Calibri Body Font Family Free Download
  4. Calibri Body Font Size
  5. Calibri Body Font


New Member
May 18, 2021

Calibri Body Font For Photoshop


W2016 is more sensitive to font problems than previous versions. Try defining another font as default—anything except Calibri or Arial (since they are participants in your current problem) or Times New Roman (users have had problems with this font). Then check if the behavior is similar to what you are experiencing now.


Calibri (body) Font Download

Office Version
  1. 365

Calibri Body Font Family Free Download


Calibri Body Font Size

  1. Windows

Calibri Body Font

Hi All
I'm creating Excel documents using what I understand to be SpreadsheetML. The XML syntax allows the specification of font using the following syntax:
<Style ss:ID='s200'> <Alignment ss:Vertical='Bottom'/> <Borders> <Border ss:Position='Top' ss:LineStyle='Continuous' ss:Weight='2'/> <Border ss:Position='Right' ss:LineStyle='Continuous' ss:Weight='1'/> <Border ss:Position='Bottom' ss:LineStyle='Continuous' ss:Weight='2'/> <Border ss:Position='Left' ss:LineStyle='Continuous' ss:Weight='1'/> </Borders> <Font ss:FontName='Calibri' x:Family='Swiss' ss:Size='11' ss:Color='#000000' ss:Bold='1'/> <Interior ss:Color='#FFFF00' ss:Pattern='Solid'/></Style>
My problem is that our client has specified that they want the spreadsheet to be in Calibri (Body) font. How can I specify that in this code? ss:FontName='Calibri (Body)' doesn't work. Some research I did on the web indicated that the '(Body)' part isn't even part of the actual fint name, but is somethign added by Excel.
Any help would be appreciated.