1. Word Shortcut For Comment
  2. Word Shortcut For Comment On Excel
  3. Word Shortcut Delete Comment
  4. Word Shortcut Add Comment

Mar 24, 2019 I have a weird problem. The shortcut for adding a comment/annotation does not work. I tried many solutions, reset the settings but no change. I am running the latest version of office 365. Please see the attached image for details. Type your comment, and select Post. To reply to a comment thread, go to the comment, and select @mention or reply. Bubbles in the margin indicate where someone has left a comment. Practice with comments and other collaboration features in Word by downloading this Collaborate in Word learning guide.

With modern comments, you no longer have to worry about your comments being seen by others before you’re finished editing them. After you draft a new comment or reply, click the Post button or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Enter (Windows) or Cmd + Enter (MacOS) to share your thoughts with others.

Shortcut keys in MS Word

Microsoft Word or MS word, made by the computer company Microsoft, is a Graphical word processor. Its purpose is to allow users to type and save documents. It contains many tools which are helpful in making documents.

There are many shortcut keys that can be used in MS word to perform some functions like making the text bold, selecting text, copying and pasting taste, etc. The use of shortcut keys is intended for quick operations on files.


In this article, we have listed some shortcut keys and their functionality –

Shortcut Keys in MS Word

Word Shortcut Keys –

Shortcut KeyDescription
Ctrl + OThis shortcut key is used to open a document. When inside MS word, press Ctrl + ‘O’key to open a prompt through which you can open an existing document in MS word.
Ctrl + NWhen inside MS Word, this shortcut key can be used to open a new Word document.
Ctrl + SThis shortcut key is used to save the current document whenever changes are made to the document. You should never forget to save the document after making any changes. F12 This shortcut key is used to open the “save as” window.
Ctrl + WThis shortcut key is used to close the current document
Alt + Ctrl + SThis shortcut key is used to split the window. Splitting the window into two parts allows the user to view two different parts of a document at the same time. It is useful when you have to refer to one part of the document while working on another part.
Arrow keysWith the arrow keys, you can move the insertion point within the document in backward, forward, upward, or downward direction, character by character.
Ctrl + Left arrow/ Right arrowWith this shortcut key, you can move one word at a time within the document.
Ctrl + Up/Down arrowWith this shortcut key, you can move one paragraph at a time within the document.
HomeWith this shortcut key, you can move to the beginning of the current line.
Ctrl + HomeWith this Shortcut key, you can move to the beginning of the document.
EndWith this shortcut key, you can move to the end of the current line.
Ctrl + EndWith this shortcut key, you can move to the end of the document.
Ctrl +XThis shortcut is used to cut the currently selected portion. You can select the specific portion of the text by doing the following :
  • take the mouse pointer to the position from where you want to start selection.
  • Press the left click and hold.
  • Drag the mouse pointer to the position up to where the selection needs to be done.
Ctrl + CThis shortcut key will copy the current selection to the clipboard
Ctrl + VThis shortcut key will paste the contents of the clipboard in the specified position.
Ctrl + B This shortcut key makes the selected text bold and unbold. If no text was selected, then anything written after pressing Ctrl + B will be written in bold.
Ctrl + IThis shortcut key italicizes and un-italicizes the text. (If no text was selected, then anything written after pressing Ctrl + I will be written in Italics).
Ctrl + UThis shortcut key makes the selected text Underlined. (If no text was selected, then anything written after pressing Ctrl + U will be underlined.)
Ctrl + Shift + WThis shortcut key is used to underline only words.
Ctrl + EThis shortcut is used to center the text.
Ctrl + [This shortcut is used to decrease the font size by 1 point
Ctrl + ]This shortcut is used to increase the font size by 1 point
Ctrl+ EnterThis shortcut is used to insert a page break
Ctrl + KThis shortcut is used to add a Hyperlink
Ctrl + Shift + AThis shortcut is used to change the text to uppercase.
Ctrl + Shift + KThis shortcut is used to change the text to lowercase.
Ctrl + AThis shortcut key selects everything in the document.
Shift + arrow keyThis shortcut key selects one character at a time.
Ctrl + Shift + Arrow keyThis shortcut key selects one word at a time.
Shift +HomeThis shortcut key selects the portion from the insertion point to the start of the line
Shift + EndThis shortcut key selects the portion from the insertion point to the end of the line.
Ctrl + FThis shortcut key is used to find or search for particular data in the current document.
Ctrl + LThis shortcut is used to align the selected content to the left of the screen
Ctrl + PThis shortcut is used to print the document.
Ctrl + YThis shortcut is used to repeat the last performed action. i.e if the last written word is mobile, then pressing Ctrl + Y will repeat this word.
Ctrl + Shift + LThis shortcut is used to create a bullet point
Ctrl + BackspaceThis shortcut deletes the whole word left to the cursor
Shift + Alt + DThis shortcut is used to insert the current date.
Shift + Alt + TThis shortcut is used to insert the current time.


These are some of the shortcuts that can be used in MS word for quick operations. Some operations may or may not work on the basis of the version of MS word or upon deprivation of any of the shortcut keys. However, the above stated are the standard shortcut keys which can run on most of the versions.

Frequently Asked Questions on MS Word:

1.What is the default font size in MS Word?Ans: When MS word starts, the default font size is 11 or 12 points.

2. What is Ctrl + Y?Ans: Ctrl + Y is the shortcut for redo action, reverse to the undo action. It repeats the last word as many times as needed. 3. What is Ctrl + D in Word?Ans: This opens the Font preferences window.

Word Shortcut For Comment

4. What are the ribbon keyboard shortcuts?Ans: The Ribbon can be accessed just by pressing and releasing the Alt button. When the Alt button is pressed, some letters appear on the ribbon. After you press Alt, pressing F will help you access the file page, pressing H will help you access the Home tab, etc.

5. What is Ctrl + G in Word?Ans: This Shortcut is used to open the find and replace prompt along with the GoTo tab.

If you need to insert the date in your documents, save time by using these shortcuts instead of typing.

Word Shortcut For Comment On Excel

Insert As You Type


As you type the date in your document, Tooltips appear that predict what you’re going to type. Press Enter to accept the suggestion. For example, as you start typing “Janu”, Word suggests “January,” and you press Enter to insert it. If you keep typing the rest of the date, it may offer to autofill in the day and the year as well.

Insert Today’s Date and Time

Click on the document where you want to put the date. Go to the INSERT RIBBON, and choose DATE AND TIME on the far right. Select how the date should look. To always use this style, click the SET AS DEFAULT button.

Word Shortcut Delete Comment


Use a Keyboard Shortcut

You can also insert the date with the keystroke ALT-SHIFT-D. This inserts the date as a field — click on it to see the field container. To change the format, use the instructions above to change the Default style, and reinsert the field. The field maintains the original date. Click on the UPDATE button to change it to today’s date.

Word Shortcut Add Comment

Buy the Book

For the complete collection of time-saving tips and tricks, buy my book, Microsoft Word 2010 Tips & Tricks. Available in eBook, iBook, Multi-touch, and paperback versions.