Get the trophies where you automatically get gold trophy as long as you get max score! IMO, Clockwork Codebreaker, Faerie Caves II - Fyora's Quest and Ugga Drop are by far the easiest to get max score, but there's also Bruno's Backwoods Breakaway, Chia Bomber 2, Dungeon Dash, Grand Theft Ummagine and Ruins Rampage. Snow Wars: for a bronze.

  1. Neopets Easy Flash Game Trophies
  2. Neopets Easy Games To Get Trophies
  1. The 'Neopets' Returning Players Guide includes tips, tricks, and everything else you need to know when coming back to Neopets! All images courtesy of If you grew up in the late '90s/early 2000s, chances are you heard of—and probably even had an account on— Neopets.
  2. Neopets Easy Trophies Neopets Guides. Posted: (7 days ago) This site provides help for earning 44 different trophies for your user lookup (plus one for your pets’ lookup!). The games are organized based on what you’ll need to earn the trophy: luck, wins, perseverance, patience, practice, creativity, or something else.
Basic Information:
(click to play)
Avg. NP/Score RatioDifficultyCategories
1 NP per 1 points
For 1,000 NP, score 1000.


Awarded randomly after winning the first round of Cheat!. You may need to catch Capara cheating at least once
NNoN Avatars »
Cheat! is a very simple card game with handy rewards: an easy trophy, an easy avatar and a correspondent amount of neopoints.

Neopets Easy Flash Game Trophies

To start the game you’ll need 50 neopoints. The objective is to get rid of all the cards on your hand before your opponents and to do so you can play 1 to 2 cards of the same value. This is where the “cheat” comes. You can lie about the value of your cards in way to play different values on the same round. For example, you play two Kings, a 5 and a 7 and say “4 Kings”. Other players will do that too. You can accuse them for cheating (and they can do the same to you and each other): if they’re right you’ll have to take the card pile to your hand; if they’re wrong they’ll take the pile instead.


Neopets Easy Trophies
Capara the Kyrii
Capara uses all her feminine wiles and amazing intelligence to trick her way to the top, however it hasn’t worked yet… she is a hopeless cheater and nearly always loses.
Little Timmy the Tuskaninny
Timmy is very young and inexperienced. He started playing cheat as he thought it would make him look cool… however he is pretty useless at it, to be honest.
Branston the Eyrie
Branston is the lord of the dance floor, and when he isn’t strutting his stuff, he loves to gamble. Self-obsessed and egotistical, Branston’s mind tends to wander, so he isn’t the best player in the world. He has been known to throw down his cards and leave in a huff in the middle of a game.
Chuffer Bob the Meerca
Chuffer is a good player, but his voracious appetite often gets the better of him. When he is hungry he can’t concentrate, and this leads him to fidget. People like to play against Chuffer Bob because it’s easy to know when he is cheating!
Brucey B
Brucey B is a Bingo caller by nature, but in his nights off he likes to play the odd game of Cheat. Still learning, but by no means a beginner, Brucey will catch you out with the old triple-bluff maneuver. He also tends to hide his cards under the table, so you will not know he has won until the last minute!
Kalora the Kau
Kalora is on holiday, and has decided to take in a few games of Cheat to earn some money. She considers herself an above-average player, and she knows when to quit! Her left ear sometimes twitches when she is cheating… but then again, you never can tell!
Princess Fernypoo
Young and spoilt, Princess Fernypoo is not accustomed to losing. Back in her father’s castle, anybody who beat her at any game would soon be thrown in the moat. Now the young Acara has left home and does not have her father to protect her any more.
Agent 00 Hog
Cool, suave, and sophisticated, Agent 00 Hog has nerves of steel, and the ability to hide even the most blatent of cheats beneath a stern poker face. The ladies love him, and he is nearly unbeatable at whatever he chooses to play… do you accept the challenge?
The self-appointed, undisputed ruler of cheat. When his red eyes are staring at you, you can just feel them scanning your every movement… watching every move in your face. If you cheat, he will know, there is no doubt about that. Spectre is a Neopian millionaire, and only ventures out of his mansion when inexperienced players are up for a fleecing.

My recommendation is to avoid cheating except when absolutely needed. You will need to have some prediction abilities so you don’t have to cheat when the pile is huge. It’s also nice to throw the cards you have more in first place, but it’s not required for a win.

Accusing of Cheat!
(mmm, this could get interesting if we took it to court…)

Accusing your opponents to cheat can be tricky so I almost don’t do that, only when I’m absolutely sure. However, it’s a very good way to take them out of the game, by making them get consecutive piles. It also gets you neopoints for each time you catch someone cheating.

When the following happens, most likely your opponent is cheating:

Neopets easy game trophies
  • They play 3 or more cards when you have at least 2 of them on your hand (this is the only moment where I accuse Cheat!);
  • They play enough cards to win;
  • The discard pile is low;
  • Remember that Spectre almost never cheats.


  • ROUND 1 – 8np, Little Timmy Battlecard, Capara avatar
  • ROUND 2 – 12np, Branston Battlecard
  • ROUND 3 – 216np, Bronze Trophy
  • ROUND 4 – 270np, Brucey B Battlecard
  • ROUND 5 – 324np, Silver Trophy
  • ROUND 6 – 378np, Kalora Battlecard
  • ROUND 7 – 432np, Gold Trophy
Neopets easy flash game trophies

Capara and Brucey B were the main characters of one of the first plots ever created, Brucey B and the Lucky Coin. This plot led to the discovery of Lost Desert and to an epic war.

Neopets Easy Games To Get Trophies

Battlecards are related to old Hidden Tower items called Battledecks. They are now retired and worth a few millions. They generate 3 random Battlecards and are now cherished as collector items.