Enter an IP addresses, autonomous system number (ASN), organization orcustomer name

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To obtain a more specific response, you may conduct a search by using certainflags. Many of these flags can be combined to tailor the desired output. Flagsmust be separated from each other and from the search term by a space. Yourresults will vary depending on the refinements you apply in your search.Listed below are the flags currently available; you may only use one flag fromeach flag-type in a query, i.e. one record type, one attribute, etc.



To limit your query to a specific record type, include one of the followingflags:

Network address space
Autonomous systems
End-user customers
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To limit your query to a specific record attribute, include one of thefollowing flags:

@domain name
Searches for matches by domain-portion of an email address
! handle
Searches for matches by handle or id
. name
Searches for matches by name

Searches that retrieve a single record will display the full record. Searchesthat retrieve more than one record will be displayed in list output.

Display flags

To modify the way that the query results display, include one of the followingflags:

FULL output shows detailed display for EACH match
LIST output shows summary only, even if single match returned

The + flag cannot be used with the sub-query featured described below.

Record hierarchy



Records in the ARIN WHOIS database have hierarchical relationship with otherrecords. To display those related records, use the following flags:

Displays the record related up the hierarchy. For a network, display thesupernet, or parent network in detailed format
Displays the record related down the hierarchy. For a network, display thesubdelegations, or subnets, below the network, in list format. For anorganization or customer, display the resources registered to thatorganization or customer, in list format

Wild card queries

WHOIS supports wild card queries. This feature is only supported as a trailingcharacter option. To take advantage of this append the query with an asterisk*. This can also be used in combination with any flags defined above.

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Other helpful hints

To guarantee matching only a single record, look it up by its handle using ahandle-only search. In the record summary line, the handle is shown inparenthesis after the name.

When using a handle to conduct a search for POC information, be sure to addthe -ARIN extension.

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Queries that return more than 256 results will stop displaying data after the256th result. You may want to narrow your search criteria or add flags to yourquery to limit the results.

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To search on an individual's name, you may enter the last name, or to furtherrestrict results, use the last name and first name, separated by a comma. Forexample: Smith, John.